Sunday, March 8, 2009

Whole world's getting married

I received another wedding invitation today. That makes 8 weddings this year not including my own. I'm totally thrilled for all you love birds who have decided to tie knot this year, but EIGHT in a year is a first for me. I have a feeling this is  not the end of it, there are probably one or two more on the way.

With so many "喜事" this year, my only regret would be not being able to attend Veron's wedding. With our big days being a mere 26 days apart, as far as elders are concerned its a big ' NO NO" to attend each other's wedding. That doesn't stop us from going about our wedding preparations together and having loads of fun. 

While I felt like i had all the time in the world just 2 months ago, I'm beginning to feel the stress. How did I suddenly have so much more to do?! Thank goodness I have clear a few items on my "to-do" list. I have my cousin and Veron to thank for that. These 2 ladies have been reminding me to start early and have both generously shared their research with me. The number of pictures and links we share are just endless. I admire Veron's enegry , she always seem to have countless images to share with me. I love that we have similar taste in many areas, but I am dying to see how she's going to pull off her " my little Pony" wedding theme ....haha

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