Sunday, May 17, 2009

Damai Laut

It was the first time driving to Damai Laut in the Mini. So we were quite relieved to be going with 18 other cars. Met many great people on this trip.

The scenery was great, and food was good too. I also find myself saying this, I think Malaysia has better food than at home. I can almost hear the ladies say " It's the LARD".

Monday, March 30, 2009

Char Shao Bao, Lian Rong Bao, Kong Ba Bao....

I was at work when my cousin sent me a message via msn. Then came a very funny conversation with a chain of lame jokes that got me giggling like a mad woman. I'm going to share them so we all can cheer up on a boring work day.

Char: A man went to the Zoo, the only animal was a dog. Guess what dog?
Me: Corgi ( was thinking of Trigo)
Char: No.. Shitzu

Char: What happened when Fly A and Fly B landed on a pile of shit?
Me: errr......
Char: It was Love at FIRST SAI
Me: haha wah lau
Char: Ya wah lau is right.

Char: You know what's  a jockey's hobby?
Me: Being a chee ko pek?
Char: Eating.
Me: ?!!!
Char: Cos' when they ride on the horse, they carry a whip right and whip the horse while while
           shouting " Jiak Jiak!!"

Char: Eh I also got this mushroom joke. Why is the mushroom so well liked at parties?!
Me: Cos he's mushy
Char: Cos he is a FUNGI ( Fungi=Fun Guy)
Sam: -_-
Char: hahaha
Sam: french
Char: at an indoor party right...why does the mushroom still wear sunglasses?
Me: He wants to pretend he is a truffle
Char: No! he wana be MORE COOL (more cool = mor ku θ˜‘菇)
Sam: aiyo..
Char: wait there more.....

Char: What type of girls does the mushroom like?
Me: ang mor ku??
Me: Or ni ku??
Char: FUNGUS (fungus= fun girls)

And she still had more!!

Char: Heard of the man tou and bao joke?
Me: shoot
Char: man tou and cha shao bao went to watch a movie, cha shao bao cried but man tou didnt.              Why?
Me: man tous are slow?
Char: Cos' man tou got no " feeling" (filling)

Char: Cha shao bao and lian rong bao went to the same movie. Cha shao bao fried , lian rong                  bao laughed. Why?
Me: My brain is dry today, I dunno shock me.
Char: Different "feeling"(filling). 

Char: Cha shao bao and kong ba bao went to watch the same movie. Chao shao bao cried, kong              ba bao also cried but he cried non-stop. why?
Sam: Cos' raining.
Char: Kong bao bao cannot contain his "feelings" (fillings)

Just for fun folks =D

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I saw a beautiful rainbow at Holland V last evening. How I wish I had my Canon with me so I could capture the beautiful colors.

And this morning, we found this little fella at our gate.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My turn to blow out the candles

Celebrated my birthday last week. I would not say I am dreading the coming of this day , but I'm just not as excited as I was when I was younger. Most of my friends would take leave on their birthdays, me, I prefer to save them for a long break. I still got my usual birthday dinner with my loved ones and this year there was a little something extra.

A week before my birthday, I got a surprise trip. He left me only like 3 hours to pack. I was thrilled of course. A weekend get-a-way just the 2 of us. It's nice not having to go to work on a Saturday.

So there we are at our destination with sometime to spare before the spa treatment. Then I remembered something I saw on Wansheng's website and decided to try it out!

It was fun, but my head was spinning after a few tries.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I was watching Trigo gobbling down his breakfast when I heard Sam going " See, see so pretty so pretty!" from the garden. Pretty indeed! His morning glory plant has finally blossomed. Our family is rather into plant growing recently. Mom just threw a bunch of chili seeds into a pot and they starting sprouting. Sam's plant too seem to grow out in no time.

As for me...all I see from my pot is just brown. oh well, never had green fingers anyway. I've been waiting for about 1.5 weeks for the little seeds to grow, will wait a bit more....maybe they are late bloomers. =P

Sam's pink morning glories

ahem... my plant...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Relaxed Moms

Usually when people claim to be relaxed moms, nothing can be further from the truth. At least that was my experience with these 2 friends of mine. Nearly laughed my head off when I recalled the conversation between me and 2 friends.

Mom A: Don't worry too much, everything will fall into place as you go along. I'm a very relaxed
mom I do not like to restrict my girls too much. Even at K2 they have quite a lot of freedom. I do not want to be like those moms who give their kids too much pressure at a young age.

Mom B: Yes I'm a very relaxed mom too, should let them figure their interests on their own.

Mom A: I don't believe in restricting them too much. They need time to play to develop their
creativity to enjoy their childhood.

Mom B: Oh look at the time! Anyways, nice chatting with you ladies, I'm running late.

Me: Where are you rushing to?

Mom B: I'm sending my son for Music Lessons.

Me: ???!!! Your son? isnt he just 5 Months?

Mom B: It's always good to start early you know....

Mom A: oh well, I think I should let my girls have sometime to settle down before their tuition

Me: !!!!!???

QuadCam Addicts

I'm kinda lazy when it comes to iPhone applications. I seldom actively shop for new and interesting apps to download. I normally wait for either of my brothers to point out the worthy downloads. I was addicted to "Monopoly: The World Edition" for the longest time. I promised myself this would be the first and last app I'm paying for.
So..... when Sam bought the "QuadCamera" I thought he was out of his mind! Two days later I had the app on my iPhone and I too couldn't stop clicking away at everything I saw. What?!....I got curious alright?! That is the LAST app I'm going to pay for, I promise, I'm serious.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Whole world's getting married

I received another wedding invitation today. That makes 8 weddings this year not including my own. I'm totally thrilled for all you love birds who have decided to tie knot this year, but EIGHT in a year is a first for me. I have a feeling this is  not the end of it, there are probably one or two more on the way.

With so many "ε–œδΊ‹" this year, my only regret would be not being able to attend Veron's wedding. With our big days being a mere 26 days apart, as far as elders are concerned its a big ' NO NO" to attend each other's wedding. That doesn't stop us from going about our wedding preparations together and having loads of fun. 

While I felt like i had all the time in the world just 2 months ago, I'm beginning to feel the stress. How did I suddenly have so much more to do?! Thank goodness I have clear a few items on my "to-do" list. I have my cousin and Veron to thank for that. These 2 ladies have been reminding me to start early and have both generously shared their research with me. The number of pictures and links we share are just endless. I admire Veron's enegry , she always seem to have countless images to share with me. I love that we have similar taste in many areas, but I am dying to see how she's going to pull off her " my little Pony" wedding theme ....haha